Nick Northern moved to Montana in 2000 and has made Great Falls his radio home ever since. A fan of music, but unable to play an instrument, Nick felt radio was the way to stay connected to music. When Nick is not on the air you'll find him enjoying his time with his wife and two children, rooting for the Grizzlies, and enjoying all the splendor that is Montana.
Nick Northern
13 Montana Cities Are Unique Due To Where They’re NOT Located
13 Cities in Montana are unique because of where they aren't located.
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These Colorful Montana Words Sure Sound Dirty But They Aren’t
Are these words dirty or do you just have a dirty mind?
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Killer Car? This Brand Had The Most Deadly Accidents In Montana
Is your car brand a danger to you and everyone on the road?
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The Best Kid Friendly Places In Great Falls, Montana
Looking for something to do with your kids, we've got the best places to go.
7 Bumper Stickers Montanans Should Take Off Their Cars Right Now
These 7 bumper stickers give away more than you think.
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