If you’ve ever dreamed of making money by doing… well, almost nothing, now's your chance! Farmers and landowners in Divide and Williams Counties can cash in on some serious incentives just by planting grass. That’s right—just grass! No complicated equipment, no fancy irrigation systems—just good old-fashioned North Dakota dirt and some well-placed seeds.

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The North Dakota Game and Fish Department PLOTS Program and Pheasants Forever are teaming up to offer an $80 per acre incentive payment for newly planted grass and CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) lands.

Not only does this put some extra cash in your pocket, but it also helps out the local wildlife, providing top-notch nesting and brood-rearing habitat for pheasants. (And let’s be honest, those little guys need a break.)

The Perks of Planting Grass

Let’s do some quick math (don’t worry, it’s the fun kind). Say you plant 160 acres of grass. You could rake in:

💰 $12,800 one-time incentive payment
💰 $7,200 in annual rental payments
💰 $9,600 for grass establishment (yes, they even help with the seed!)

If you enroll in CRP, you’re looking at:

💰 $12,800 one-time incentive
💰 $16,000 in up-front access payments (over 10 years)
💰 FSA rental payments (more cash!)

Why Not Give It a Try?

If someone offered you money to sit back and watch grass grow, would you say no? Didn’t think so! Not only does this program put extra dollars in your pocket, but it helps wildlife and improves soil health. So, why not turn that empty field into a paycheck?

After all, it’s not every day you get paid for letting nature do its thing!

If you have any questions, you can contact Erica Sevigny, PLI Biologist for NDGF at 71-770-3815.

11 Animals You Can Hunt Year-Round In North Dakota

States with the most registered hunters

Stacker analyzed data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to determine which states have the most registered hunters. Read on to see how your state ranks on Stacker’s list.

Gallery Credit: Meagan Drillinger