A man on Reddit admitted to ditching his wife at a Pink concert and walking home instead in a viral post.

In a long explanation that has since been deleted from the Am I The A--hole forum, the man explained that he and his wife are both big fans of Pink and have seen the singer live multiple times.

At this particular show, everything started out just fine, according to the man.

"Months in advance of the concert last night, my wife bought 4 tickets, 2 for us, 2 for a couple of her friends. It was a beautiful day, we had no traffic or parking problems, and got to our (very good) seats as the opening acts were starting," he said.

However, he claimed that the acoustics during the openers' sets weren't very good.

"None of us particularly cared about the openers, so it wasn't a big concern that the sound was muddy and all loud bass during those performances," he said.

"I knew from past experience that the acoustics for Pink would be great. It would be well worth waiting thru 3 hours of noise to see her," he continued.

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"I was wrong. About 50 minutes into Pink's performance, wherein I could only make out about every third word she sang, and couldn't hear her vocal range at all," he said.

The man added that he was "tremendously disappointed" which led him to abandon the concert entirely.

"[I] gave my wife the car keys and said I was going home (a 4-mile walk)," he said, noting that his wife and her friends were enjoying the concert.

The next day, his wife told him that she was angry he left early.

She told him, "You embarrassed me in front of my friends," and that she "could have spent that $300 on someone who WANTED to see the show."

"When I responded that me leaving didn't affect her seeing the show, I was told, 'You don't care about my feelings at all,'" the man said, before asking "'What about my feelings?'"

"She refused to discuss it further, and is just still mad at me," he added.

He also added that he didn't think his leaving counted as "abandoning" his wife since she was with her friends.

Several people agreed that the wife had the right to be angry, though some commenters noted that it was a tough call.

"You said that she bought the tickets for you. So that was an expectation that you would be with her, and she was also trying to be thoughtful to you.  It’s kind of like throwing out a gift from someone," one person commented.

"You preferred to walk 4 miles alone than spending 2 more hours of an event that your wife was actually enjoying and I imagine was looking forward to share with you," another person wrote.

"You went out as a group and you left early without any discussion and with no consideration of the money your wife had spent on a ticket," someone else agreed.

However, others didn't see the problem with the man wanting to leave early.

"I'm surprised at all the posters who would have no issues with their partners sitting there miserable for another two hours instead of opting out like adults," one commenter noted.

"You had no way of knowing you were going to enjoy this show less than the previous times you went," another person said.

"People walk out of concerts and shows all the time. There's no need for her, or for anyone, to be embarrassed. It just didn't suit you," someone else agreed.

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Gallery Credit: Michele Bird

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