Mad Max's Weekend in Five Pics 8/11-8/13
Mad Max's Weekend in Five Pics 8/11-8/13
Mad Max's Weekend in Five Pics 8/11-8/13
This weekend I was pretty active. There was a lot to see and do. Saturday and Sunday mornings I always come into work to check on the station cats because Alley needs medicine twice a day for her hyperthyroid. If they aren't waiting at the door, this is how I usually find them...
Take Dad Out for Some Father's Day Fun this Weekend
Take Dad Out for Some Father's Day Fun this Weekend
Take Dad Out for Some Father's Day Fun this Weekend
It's Father's Day weekend. Here are some activities in the area that'll be fun for the whole family. Paws and Relax Fundraiser with Willow Tree Yoga for The Stray Sanctuary Dog Rescue. Friday, June 16 at 5:00 pm at the Ray Golf Course. A 45 minute outdoor yoga class, plus dinner afterwards at the Ray Golf Course Clubhouse...