Williams County Leads The Area For Vehicle Accidents In 2022
Nicer weather means more people will be heading out on our area roads. In 2022 we saw our fair share of accidents in western North Dakota. I reached out to NDDOT to see where things landed for our 3 county region. The results might surprise you.
Divide County saw 27 vehicle crashes and no fatalities.
McKenzie County saw 287 vehicle crases with 6 fatalities
Williams County saw 736 vehicle crashes and 8 fatalities.
I know. We all know we are good drivers, but it never hurts to refresh these topics from time to time. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has some safe driving tips for all of us to follow to keep our roads safe.
One of the most important things drivers can do is to avoid distracted driving. This means staying off the phone, avoiding eating or drinking, and keeping their eyes on the road at all times. Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of accidents, so eliminating distractions can go a long way toward keeping everyone safe.
Another key safety tip is to always wear a seatbelt. Seatbelts are designed to keep drivers and passengers safe in the event of an accident, and they can make a big difference in preventing serious injuries. Additionally, drivers should make sure that all passengers in their vehicles are also wearing seatbelts.
It’s also important to obey traffic laws and signals. This means following posted speed limits, stopping at stop signs and red lights, and using turn signals when changing lanes or turning. These rules are in place for a reason, and following them can help prevent accidents.
Finally, drivers should always make sure their vehicle is in good working order before hitting the road. This means checking things like brakes, tires, and headlights to ensure that everything is functioning properly.
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