If you're an avid hunter and missed out on the deer gun lottery in North Dakota, don't fret! There's still hope for you to secure a license. Although the lottery has concluded, the state has a limited number of remaining deer licenses available exclusively for those who were unsuccessful in the initial draw. Read on to find out how you can get your hands on one of these coveted licenses.

Linda Howard
Linda Howard

Time is of the essence! For hunters who were unsuccessful in the North Dakota deer gun lottery, the window of opportunity is still open. You have until July 19 to submit your application for a remaining deer license. Make sure not to miss this deadline if you want to maximize your chances of securing a license.

Good news for hunters: there are still 4,300 deer licenses available. While the number may seem limited, it presents a fantastic opportunity for those who missed out on the initial lottery. Act swiftly, as these licenses will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible applicants.

The remaining deer licenses are exclusively reserved for applicants who were unsuccessful in the North Dakota deer gun lottery. If you didn't receive a license through the lottery, this is your chance to participate in the upcoming hunting season. Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and take advantage of this opportunity.

For successful applicants, the wait won't be too long. If you're among the fortunate hunters to secure a remaining deer license, you can expect to receive it by early August. This allows you ample time to prepare for the upcoming hunting season and plan your hunting trips accordingly.

Linda Howard
Linda Howard

To apply for the remaining deer licenses, visit the official North Dakota Game and Fish Department's website. Follow the instructions provided, ensuring you provide accurate and up-to-date information. The application process is straightforward, but it's essential to double-check all details before submitting your application.

If you missed out on the North Dakota deer gun lottery, all hope is not lost. Act quickly to secure one of the 4,300 remaining deer licenses exclusively available to those who were unsuccessful in the initial draw. Don't miss the opportunity to participate in the upcoming hunting season—apply before July 19! Click here to see what is available in each unit.

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