Mental Health First Aid Course Back in Williston by Popular Demand
Mental health is a top concern these days. To put it mildly, the last several years have been difficult, and as a result, there is currently an unprecedented mental health crisis. I think we are realizing that a greater awareness of mental health is needed. We have lost too many people to addiction and suicide. After someone dies, it's often said that we wish we would've recognized the signs or known what to do.
It's time to make Mental Health First Aid as common as CPR because we can all be more aware and informed. If we witnessed someone having a heart attack, the majority of us would know what to do: we'd start CPR or phone 9-1-1. But too few of us would know what to do if we came across someone who was exhibiting symptoms of alcoholism or was experiencing a panic attack.
Mental Health First Aid is back by popular demand courtesy of the Williston Area Chamber of Commerce. The course will be taught on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM at Train ND, 415 22nd Avenue Northeast in Williston. Lunch will be provided. The cost of the class is $50 for Chamber members and $75 for non-members.
Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to help someone who is suffering a mental health or drug use difficulty or crisis, much like CPR teaches you how to aid someone having a heart attack. Mental Health First Aid helps to get people connected to care and ultimately to get them to a better place.
After the course you'll be able to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among adults. You will build skills and confidence you need to reach out and provide initial support to those who are struggling. You’ll also learn how to help connect them to appropriate support.
To register for the course, click below:
Mental Health First Aid — Williston Area Chamber of Commerce (willistonchamber.com)
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