Williston Basin United Way Looking For Community Sale Donations
Most of us are knee-deep in spring cleaning. If you're like me, there's a ton of stuff to get rid of. Do you just throw it, or could someone else get some use out of it?
The Williston Basin United Way is looking for donations for the annual community sale on Saturday, May 20. Items included gently used rummage items like furniture, clothing, household items, exercise equipment, pet items, or outdoor/camping items. Here's the beauty of making a donation to the sale...proceeds stay local to help social service and youth organizations in Williams, Divide, and McKenzie counties. Here is a little bit about where donated dollars are distributed in our area.
Adult Learning Center
Adult Learning Center helps improve educational opportunities for adults who lack literacy skills and to expand and delivers adult education services.
American Red Cross Mid-Dakota Chapter
American Red Cross Mid-Dakota Chapter provides local disaster response for single and multiple family emergencies, disaster preparedness/education, and health & safety training to the community.
Catholic Charities of North Dakota
Catholic Charities of North Dakota - Guardianship provides guardianship services to persons with developmental disabilities who have no other resources to serve in this capacity.
Catholic Charities of North Dakota
Catholic Charities of North Dakota - Pregnancy, Parenting, and Adoption provides pregnancy counseling and facilitates the permanent placement of children into nurturing stable homes.
Community Action Partnership
Community Action Partnership primary purpose is to combat poverty and promote self-sufficiency among our target population whether material, cultural, or economic. Services provided are emergency services, client services, housing, and safe communities.
Family Crisis Shelter
Family Crisis Shelter/Family Bridges Visitation & Exchange Center will provide a safe and secure environment for children to visit a parent who has demonstrated past abusive behaviors, while under the careful supervision of trained staff.
Family Voices of North Dakota
Family Voices of North Dakota works with families, health care providers, public and private agencies, and advocacy or support groups to promote family-centered care and medical homes for children with special health care needs.
Girl Scouts - Dakota Horizons
Girl Scouts - Dakota Horizons is dedicated solely to meeting the ever-changing needs of girls: empowering them to learn life skills through program activities that will give them the courage and confidence to affirm their personal values and beliefs as they develop physically and emotionally.
Great Plains Food Bank
Great Plains Food Bank distributes surplus food from the corporate food industry to food shelves, homeless shelters, and other charitable programs across North Dakota.
Lemonade Day
Lemonade Day is dedicated to educating young people about business, economics, and free enterprise. It is administered by the Williston Area Chamber of Commerce.
Marketplace for Kids
Marketplace for Kid's vision is for every student to receive entrepreneurship education and encouragement to become lifelong partners in building stronger communities.
MonDak Gymnastics Support Group
MonDak Gymnastics Support Group promotes community awareness of the sport of gymnastics and fosters the building blocks of healthy exercise and competition among area youth.
Nexus-PATH Family Healing
Nexus-PATH Family Healing provides foster care services including traditional foster care, treatment foster care, and intensive foster care. They also provide independent living services for youth aging out of foster care, community mental health service, and residential treatment services.
North Dakota Senior Companions
North Dakota Senior Companions provides a service opportunity to individuals who are 55+, income eligible and committed to helping older adults in need of one-on-one support due to being homebound, lonely, isolated, or disabled.
Northern Lights Council, Boy Scouts of America
Northern Lights Council, Boy Scouts of America's vision is for every student to receive entrepreneurship education and encouragement to become lifelong partners in building stronger communities.
Northern Plains Children's Advocacy Center
Northern Plains Children's Advocacy Center provides services to children and families who have experienced the trauma of child sexual abuse and other crimes against children. These services include forensic interviews to aid law enforcement investigations, family advocacy, mental health crisis intervention and assessments, specialized trauma therapy, public education, and training in law enforcement.
The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army is a non-profit organization that provides worship services for all ages, character-building programs, social services (lodging, food, meals, food pantry, clothing, utility assistance, rental assistance, gasoline, prescriptions, back-to-school supplies, Christmas food, toys, and gifts), and disaster relief.
North Star Human Service/Foster Parent Program
North Star Human Service/Foster Parent Program provides a safe environment for children through foster care while working with the family to reunify them as a family unit. Their desire is to recruit and retain quality and long-lasting family foster homes by giving recognition and recruitment and retention incentives.
Williston Council for the Aging
Williston Council for the Aging provides home-delivered meals, congregate meals, and outreach to all seniors over the age of 60 and their caregivers in Divide, Williams, and McKenzie Counties. This organization also provides public transportation in Watford City and Williston.
So now there is even more reason to clean out those garages and spare rooms and have a fresh start for summer this year. Drop off your donations at the west door of the Raymond Family Community Center in Williston May 15-19 while doors are open, or in the containers after hours. All involved want to thank you in advance for your continued support.

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Gallery Credit: Credit: Canva
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